1 Deck. Hard (15%). Skill/luck balanced.
To group all the cards in sets of 13 cards in sequence from King to Ace.
• | 7 piles - build . Groups of cards in sequence may be moved as a unit (see Rules option below). A space can be filled by any card or legal group of cards. At the start of the game 1 card is dealt to the first pile, 2 cards to the 2nd, and so on. The top card is face up. |
• | (above the ) - Clicking deals 1 card to each pile. All empty spaces must be filled before a deal. |
• | Rules (Options menu) - choose between Regular Spiderette and Baby Spiderette (which allows groups of cards in sequence to be moved as a unit). |
• | Whenever a sequence of 13 cards from King to Ace is formed, it will automatically be removed from play. |
• | Since pure Spiderette is fairly difficult to win, the program offers a rules option that is easier to win. To change the rules, select "Rules" from the Options menu. Baby Spiderette is considerably easier than regular Spiderette. In Baby Spiderette, the is the same as regular Spiderette, as are all the rules except one. In Baby Spiderette, you are allowed to move a group of cards as a block if they are in sequence . In Spiderette, they must all be . This makes it easier to move cards around, and easier to win the game. |
• | Same suit sequences should be preferred even though building is . The object is to build sequences. |
Spiderette is a cross between the popular games Klondike and Spider. The game Will o the Wisp is also closely related. First known reference to Spiderette is in The Complete Book of Solitaire & Patience Games in 1949.
Similar Games
Will o the Wisp
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Spiderette One Suit
Spiderette Two Suits