2 Decks. Very Easy (90%). Mostly Skill.
To move all the cards to the .
• | 8 piles (across top) - build left 4 piles from Ace to King, drop 13 card sequences of same suit cards from the on the right 4 piles. |
• | 10 piles (below ) - build . Groups of cards in sequence may be moved as a unit. Spaces are filled by Kings or legal groups of cards headed by a King (see KingOnly for option). At the start of the game 1 card is dealt to the first pile, 2 cards to the 2nd pile, and so on. The top card is face up. |
• | (top left, face down) - deal 1 card to the pile by clicking. Unlimited . |
• | (right of ) - top card is available for play on the or . |
KingOnly AutoPlay
• | The first 4 are built from Ace to King (using any suits for the 4 piles). The last 4 are built in the . Build 4 13-card sequences of same suit, from King down to Ace. To move these cards to the , pick up the entire 13-card sequence and drop it on the desired pile. Single cards are not allowed in these piles. |
Lady Cadogan is a variation of Rouge et Noir invented by Thomas Warfield. It is named after Lady Adelaide Cadogan, who published one of the first books on solitaire in the 1870s.
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