2 Decks. Medium (40%). Mostly Skill.
To move all the cards to the .
• | 8 piles (across top) - build from Ace to King. At the beginning of the game the Aces are dealt here. |
• | 10 piles (below ) - build . Only one card at a time may be moved. Spaces may be filled by any card. At the start of the game 4 cards are dealt to each pile. |
• | (bottom left, face down) - turn over 1 card at a time to the by clicking. No . |
• | (next to ) - top card is available for play on the or . All cards in the are visible. |
Kettle Hill is a variation of San Juan Hill. The only difference between Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill is that the entire waste pile is visible to the player, rather than just the top card.
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