3 Decks. Easy (85%). Mostly Skill.
To move two decks (or 8 suits) of cards to the , to move the other deck (or 4 suits) of cards into 13 piles of 4 cards of the same .
• | 8 piles (top left) - build from Ace to King. |
• | 7 piles (below ) - build . Move groups of cards if they are in sequence . Fill spaces with Kings or groups of cards headed by a King. At the start of the game 7 cards are dealt to each pile, alternating face up and face down. |
• | 13 piles (on right) - Cards may be played on other cards of the same . At most 4 cards are allowed in any pile. Empty piles may be filled by any card. At the start of the game 4 cards are dealt face up to each pile. |
• | (top left, face down) - turn over 1 card at a time, by clicking. No . |
• | (next to ) - top card available for play on the or . |
• | In the piles, cards may be played on other cards of the same rank. For example, if the top card of a pile is a Three, another Three can be played on top of it. The object is to move the cards so that there are 13 piles of 4 cards of the same , that is, one pile of 4 Kings, one pile of 4 Queens, and so on. |
• | 8 suits of cards are played to the . Note that you do not necessarily have to play two piles of each suit to the , any 8 suits out of the 12 suits in 3 decks may be played to the based on the suits of the starting Aces. The remaining 4 suits are played to the 13 piles. It is important to keep track of which suits are needed in the piles. |
Interchange Puzzle is a combination of the games Interchange and Fifteen Puzzle. It was invented by Thomas Warfield.
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